Books by Joe Molloy Shaman
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January 2020 ~ The new book is out!

Munay Ki ~ The Lineage Rites of the Incas by Joe Molloy Shaman

My new book comes from my experiences of living with and giving, sharing the rites of the Munay Ki, the Lineage Rites of the Incas. In Europe, in India and in Peru. One to one with individuals and also with groups at workshops at summer festivals and retreats. You need to receive the rites to be able to share them with others, and the book teaches you to do this as well as the meaning and history of the rites including their origins in the initiations and empowerments, healing rites and traditions of the Incas. I've included a few photos of my journeys in Peru and the gifting of some of the rites as well as a few short stories and reflections that, I hope, bring the beauty of these practices to life.

Munay Ki ~ The Lineage Rites of the Incas is available from Amazon in both Paperback and Kindle formats. I hope you enjoy reading it and look forward to hearing how you enjoy your copy.

You can read more about the rites of the Munay Ki on my website just by
clicking here. Please do get in contact with me if you would like to join one of my group workshops and both receive the rites and learn how to give them, share them with others too.

In Love, Service and Wisdom

With much love


[email protected]
Phone: +44 (0) 7986 887224

You can order your own copy from Amazon now by clicking here:

Munay Ki ~ Lineage Rites of the Incas by Joe Molloy Shaman

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