A guide to Shamanic Services with Joe Molloy Shaman

Despacho Ceremony

Despacho ceremonies are traditional Andean practices that mark rites of passage and transition, and bring harmony and balance into our lives and our relationships with the world we live in.

Every despacho is different, unique. They are informed by traditional practice, and also by our intention each time we create one.

Some are square, some round. They comprise many layers, just as our lives and our relationships with the world we live in our multi layered and multi faceted.
Despacho ceremony

Coca Kintu

Despacho ceremony

Despacho ceremony
Despachos can be beautiful ways to bring people together, or to acknowledge partings, separation and also in death. Aya, death despachos offer a beautiful ceremonial opportunity to celebrate the life of a loved friend who has died by acknowledging all aspects of the person they were.

Despachos also help to make the 'invisible visible.' They can bring clarity to situations and problems in our lives.

Despachos bring harmony and balance and can be ways to acknowledge difficulty and difference between people.

In the Andes they have been used for thousands of years as part of the Shamans ceremonial role in being of service to those of their community.

If you would like to know more about how a despacho may help you, on your healing journey, or in regard to specific issues, goals or relationships then lease do get in contact.

[email protected]

or phone: +44 (0) 7986887224 Click here to call or save the number for later.

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