Working with Dryads ~ Spirit of the Trees
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Working with Dryads, Spirits of the trees with Joe Molloy

Have you wondered what it would be like to actually have a conversation with a tree? More than just tree-hugging this workshop will introduce you to how to have a living relationship and conversation with Dryads, the spirits of trees.

These are two day workshops and are usually in two parts, 6 months or so apart. Starting in September we begin together in the ancient woodlands that have become home to this workshop and then we return the following March for the second part of the workshop.

Our first day together, usually close to the full moon, begins with an introduction to the woodlands, the many animals and plants that live here and of course, especially the trees. Once we have been introduced and introduced ourselves to the woodlands I will introduce you to some fabulous exercises helping to heighten your awareness and sensitivity to the energy and life force of the woodlands.

As you get to know your trees I will show you how to connect your energy field to that of a tree so that you experience a deep connection with the life force of the trees and the woodlands as a whole. You will learn how to find your tree without even being able to see it. To be able to track it blindfolded through the woods.

The day will be filled with stories and information about working with trees and the nature guardians that inhabit all woodland spaces.

In the afternoon I will show you how to carefully choose and cut a piece of branch gifted to you by the tree, more than just cutting off a stick we will be creating livewood tokens that are inhabited by the Dryad itself. So that when the branch has seasoned by the second workshop you will be able to return with your branches ready to carve and shape them so that you will create your own ‘living’ livewood tool with its own resident Dryad.

I have been making livewood tools for many years, mostly for his own use, but occasionally for friends and now I want to share these skills with you.

Our second workshop, usually in March coincides with the new moon, a time for new beginnings and new relationships. And this is when we will return to work together, completing the work we began in September.

Livewood tools make great companions. Many people have them and love to have them around without knowing what they actually are. They feel good to touch and small ones can be like friends you have in your pocket that can go anywhere with you. Livewood tokens that have been made from trees where the resident Dryad has an interest in healing make great companions in many different healing modalities. You don’t even need necessarily to take them out and use them in your hand as in developing your relationship with your personal Dryad you will develop a form of invisible and unspoken communication.

Livewood tools have been a part of the culture of these lands for thousands of years although there use and making became a quiet secret for many years when it was not accepted by the establishment of the time and practitioners of the natural ‘magic’ of the relationship between people and the nature spirits had to keep their craft quiet for their own safety and wellbeing. But in these times of change, evolution and growth Dryads are coming forwards once again and asking about the opportunity to work with people to help bring balance and healing more widely into the world.

Places on the workshop will be limited to ensure an intimate and non crowded experience in the woodlands. So please reserve your place early.

The cost for both workshops is £180 in total and your deposit of £50 secures your place on both workshops.

The remainder is payable on or before the workshop in September

For more information and to reserve your place please get in touch:

[email protected]
+44 (0) 7986 887224

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